The United Kingdom (formed by England, Scotland, Wales and all Ireland at his time) was a member of the Allied Powers against Germany, Astro-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria named as the Central Powers in the First World War between 1914 and 1918. UK entered in the conflict thanks to the agreement of the Triple Entente.

Political aspect
UK declared the war to defence the Belgium's neutrality signed in the Treaty of London in 1839 and it was in risk. H. H. Asquith, member of the Liberal party, was the Prime Minister when all started. But due to the disasters in the battle of Gallipoli and the Battle of the Somme in 1916 Lloyd George was named as Prime Minister. Lloyd obtained a total political and military control and a total war started in which everyone has to contribute to the war.


In 1918 some political and military crisis arrived. Germany launched the Spring Offensive and the Alliance had to go back 40 miles and London was defeated. But the entrance of USA in the war with 2 million soldiers was crucial and changed the final result.

Finally, on 11 November 1918 the war finished with the victory of the Allied Powers and Lloyd George was known as "the Man Who Won the War".


In general, UK was able to manage in a good way its economy during the war. 4.000.000 million pounds was spent everyday. The war was financed in mainly 3 ways: taxes and borrowing money and financial reserves.

Some other important economic information:

-- GDP grew 14 points in the four years.

-- The participation of Government on GDP passed 8% in 1913 to 38% in 1918.

-- Decline in consumption in 18 points.

In industry the total production fell because many resources was destined to munition and guns industries although sometimes a shortage of artillery ocurred.
In labour market a third of the men workers were recruited in the army so many women had to replaced them. Most of the trade union showed their support to UK so strikes and demonstrations decreased.

This bad economical situation affected the civil people and rationing was used at the end of the war; in 1917 a voluntary rationing was introduced but in 1918 it was obligatory because of the shortage of food. Ration books was used for bread and latter for sugar, butter, meat...


First World War was nefasted for economy, UK was the most important investor of the world but after the war UK become the most debtor one.

Inflation doubled between 1914 and 1920, harming the most humble classes.

Citizens were the one who suffers all of it, more or less 3 million people died or was injured.

Video of the role of UK in the conflict: Video link 
A good analisis of how UK society changed in WWI: Article link
