The beginning of the 20th century coincided with the reign of King Edward VII (1901-1910) knowing as Edward the Peacemaker due to the good diplomacy that he used in Europe. And then from 1910 to 1934 George V was who reign.

                   Resultado de imagen de george V

In 1904 Britain and France signed an agreement named as Entente Cordiale that marked the end of the conflict between them and it also supposed an important diplomatic and military cooperation. A similar entente was formed in 1907, but now with Russia in which all the colonial disputes in Tibet or Persia finished. This two agreements led to the creation of the Triple Entente for the WWI.

At this time of the history the United Kingdom had been forged as the greatest empire of the time. Almost a quarter of the world was under his government. His possessions reached America (Canada and some Caribbean islands), Africa (among his possessions, Egypt), Asia (mainly India, his jewel) and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand, among others).

    Domestic policy. 

       We can highlight the 1906 General elections the Liberals won by majority while the Conservatives, who were governing, lost half of their seats. But he remarkable thing is that the Labour party obtained 30 seats in the Parliament and the working class interests was taking in account. One cause of the raise of this party was the problems with the tariff reform that was created in order to defend young industries as automobiles or chemicals.

    Economic terms.

       Britain lost the financial and entrepreneurial reign as USA and Germany developed large-scale industries, which Britain's growth rate and GDP was behind them. The key point if Britain was it influence in trade, finance, shipping and investment (from ₤2 billion to ₤4 billion in 10 years) with a very important base in manufacturing and mining.

    But in 1910 inflation in basic products and stagnation of wages started, also in industries as cotton or shipbuildings unemployment appears. The working class was affected and a lot of strikes arose all around the country. It led to a standstill so the government respond, it introduced some benefits for unemployment, free food for school childrens or free medical exams.

    Video about how the British Empire developedVideo link
